When you are involved in an accident and you are not at fault, you almost never consider what kind of insurance coverage you have for your own car. Because it is the other guy’s insurance that will pay right?
Not necessarily……
Missouri has a financial responsibility law that requires drivers to carry a minimum of $25,000 in liability insurance coverage on their car. So it is safe to assume almost everyone has at least $25,000 of coverage to pay for injuries you may have as a result of a car accident where they are at fault.
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What happens if your injuries are $100,000 then what?
This is when it is time to look and see what kind of insurance coverage you have purchased for your own vehicles. There is supplemental coverage that you purchase and would pay an additional premium to buy on top of the required liability coverage called UNDERINSURANCE.
Your own underinsurance insurance will kick in if you have injuries greater than the insurance coverage of the person that is responsible for your injuries. In the above example, the liability insurance of the person who was liable for the accident will pay $25,000 for your $100,000 of injuries and YOUR underinsurance company will pay you the remaining $75,000 providing you have purchased underinsurance coverage of $100,000.
What if your injuries are $50,000 then what?
Just like the above example, your own underinsurance insurance will kick in if you have injuries greater than the insurance coverage of the person that is responsible for your injuries. In the above example, the liability insurance of the person who was liable for the accident will pay $25,000 for your $50,000 of injuries and YOUR underinsurance company will pay the remaining $25,000 provided you have AT least $75,000 of underinsurance coverage.
RS Law has the skills and experience to handle complicated underinsurance claims and if you have been injured by in an accident and you are not at fault we will work with you to see that you are compensated fairly and claims are made against all policies applicable to your injury.