The word QUICK and the word SETTLEMENT are not two words you really want to see together and here’s why.
If you find yourself injured because of the negligence of another person you want to be fairly compensated for your injuries and associated damages. The legal community calls this to be made whole.
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To determine the extent of your injuries you need to pursue medical treatment until they have treated your injuries and you are symptom-free or they have exhausted treatment and have determined that your injuries and there is nothing more that can be done medically and it is something you will have to live with forever.
When you reach this point with your medical treatment a dollar amount can be calculated for how much it cost to treat your injuries and that becomes the amount of money that is requested from the person who negligently injured you as DAMAGES.
We also need to know what the total amount of lost wages were while you were injured and unable to work, or seeking medical treatment for your injuries. This amount of money is added to your medical bills as additional DAMAGES.
If your injuries were not successfully treated and you are facing future medical bills and future lost wages that amount needs to be determined and added to the dollar amount of medical bills and lost wages which now increases your DAMAGES even more so.
It takes time for you to move through medical treatment to see what can be fixed and what can’t and insurance companies often want to hurry you through this process so you will agree to accept payment for injuries that haven’t been completely determined which results in the insurance company paying you far less than what is really fair. It is not unusual for symptoms to appear weeks or even months after an injury and if you have already settled with the insurance company, you won’t be able to make a claim for the newly discovered DAMAGES. So a QUICK SETTLEMENT is not in your best interest.
So you need to be aware of some firms that do a large amount of advertising and boast about their large volume of personal injury cases. It is well known that these so-called mega firms resolve and settle cases quickly for a lower value then the case might have been worth if it was handled by RS Law. This is because RS Law has a history of filing lawsuits and forcing insurance companies to be fair or we ask a jury to make them be fair. You will probably have ONE personal injury claim in your lifetime and it is important to receive fair compensation for your injuries. Settling for less than fair value is an unfortunate consequence of quick out of court settlements. RS Law won’t recommend you settle for less than fair as quickly as possible.
RS Law encourages clients to complete medical treatment to determine the extent of the injuries PRIOR to making settlement demands. How can anyone really know how much is fair if we don’t know how many dollars it will take in medical treatment and lost wages to fully treat the injuries? There is also another HUGE reason RS Law gets larger settlements than the mega firms because RS Law has a history of filing lawsuits and forcing insurance companies to be fair or we ask a jury to make them be fair.
Don’t get in a hurry. Keep in mind that you will probably have ONE personal injury claim in your lifetime and it is important to receive fair compensation for your injuries. Settling for less than fair value is an unfortunate consequence of quick out of court settlements. RS Law won’t recommend you settle for less than fair as quickly as possible.