Missouri Separated – Things to Do 2018-01-08T17:26:46+00:00


  1. Hire a divorce lawyer
  2. Start saving money.  Divorces can be expensive and you need to start setting money aside to fund the divorce.  You will also have to meet your monthly expenses with a single income and a healthy nest egg will make this easier as you adapt to a new budget
  3. Open a new checking and savings account in your name alone and have your pay check deposited into the new account
  4. Close joint checking account after discussing with your attorney what you can do with the balance in joint accounts
  5. Close joint credit cards or remove the other spouse’s name
  6. Open new credit card accounts in your name only
  7.  Stop spending money on nonessential items and do not make any big ticket purchases
  8. Continue to make payments on your monthly obligations such as rent or mortgage payments, utility payments, credit card payments, car payments, etc Protect your good credit
  9. Document your  spouse’s income
  10. Make a list of  the assets in your home, take photographs or video to help you document marital assets
  11. Photocopy titles of automobiles, motorcycles and recreational vehicles
  12. Gather a list of all  debts; names, addresses, account numbers, amounts
  13. Document household expenses
  14. Photocopy important financial documents such as bank and credit card statements, pay stubs, tax returns, and receipts for big ticket items
  15. Open a safe deposit box in your name and store the above documents, photos, and videos in safe deposit box
  16. Get a PO Box and change your address on all your personal bank accounts, credit card bills, and other confidential correspondences
  17. Meet with an account or financial planner to help you prepare for the economic impact of a divorce

If there are children

  1. Keep a diary of the extra curricular activities of your children and who takes the children to these appointments
  2. Document evidence of drug or alcohol abuse that would prove that your spouse should not have or have limited custody of the children

Call today for a consultation with RS Law to confidentially discuss how to proceed with a divorce in Missouri.